How to quickly drain away the smell of smoke inside the car?

I believe we had dragged smokers travel together, sometimes friends smoke in the car but due to face embarrassed to say, on the one hand is not good to take care of soot, on the other hand the car full of smoke very unpleasant, especially summer air conditioning needs windows closed when traveling, once open the windows if the vehicle speed is slightly faster noise will be generated "wind", but there are some cases must be open, for example, the car was smoking or eating some heavier taste of food or fart, motion sickness and so on, we should be able to smell how open the window a short time quickly withdrawn.

Global opening: Error!

All the windows open outside air into the car, the air in the car scurry about, on the one hand people will feel blow ride surface, on the other hand what the car will be flying around, the effect is not the most important ventilation obvious. Because it is just entering the front airflow discharged from the rear windows go.

A shut down three

Lowering the three windows, a closed, in particular to retain the front window, so that the air inside the vehicle is reduced, and a stable air flow blown backwards without interference, because the front of the incoming stream of air is the most violent, after a close such airflow reduces interference will be relatively stable number, although the result will not blow the car flying articles, but also ventilation time is greatly reduced.

Only two windows open side

The final effect is a car window on both sides of the front windows do not open the front and rear on the same side, on the one hand into the car's air will make people uncomfortable, on the other hand, if easily roll at high speed, so do both on the same side at the same time smokes.

Act fast front ventilation

Only open side of the window to smell, after the air into the car because of a steady intake port and an exhaust port, the gas flow will soon be put away the odor, and the passenger will not hear much air resonance and blowing face. However, if the front and rear there are people who smoke how to do? They would have to open the front side windows, and rear windows diagonal, so that a stable air flow will exhaust smoke, be sure to turn on the diagonal direction!

Finally, I would also like to say try not to smoke in the car, if it can not help to stop the car to slowly smoke, car pandemonium on the one hand affect their health, on the other hand the driver to drive safely are also at risk.

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