Yield to pedestrians harvest praise you today to let the line yet?

Recently, local traffic control departments have stepped up publicity work on vehicles crossing courteous behavior, while the behavior of errant pedestrians comity strengthen penalties. Comity zebra appears to be simple, but it reflects the sense of civilized travel. So, pedestrians and motor vehicles when crossing through the respective right of way, what kind of it? I come with you, said she said.

Before understanding how comity zebra should first look at a heart-warming little video of it, I believe that after you read the older drivers on the road, will be conscious of comity zebra crossing. I also hope my initiative to be courteous pedestrian crossing in the face of a good driver, the driver can take the initiative to a point like this, civilized travel, we should all work together!

1, the vehicle is ready to travel encountered by pedestrians when crossing closest to the pedestrian vehicles need to stop to give, when a pedestrian to go through the front of the vehicle, the current lane and vehicles in the next lane to stop to give, after Xingran wing can slow by the zebra crossing.

2, when the vehicle is involved in a pedestrian is passing the zebra crossing, we should stop to give. If the center of the road or double yellow lines only isolation barrier, or no greenbelt refuges, when the pedestrian crossing, the vehicle must give way.

3, in the mixed-line of the road, if the pedestrian has entered the ready crossing through the rear of the vehicle must give way to pedestrians.

4, no traffic lights in the road, if you encounter a pedestrian is passing the road behind the vehicle should stop and yield.

5, in the middle of the road with a green belt, if you walk through the pedestrian crossing If we can not pass the green belt, green belt near the rear of the vehicle to stop to; if the pedestrian has passed the green belt in the rear of the vehicle needs to stop all lanes let the line.

6, ready to turn right at the intersection of the vehicle, encounter pedestrians crossing traffic, should stop and yield, and other pedestrians before traveling.

7, prepare to turn left at the intersection of the vehicle, encounter pedestrians crossing traffic, should stop and yield, and other pedestrians before traveling.

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