Why when driving is always someone Gasser it?

Many novice friends are particularly depressed, always line up the entrance when the stopper, to jump the queue to meet the basic things every time, and sometimes even in front of it added to the two cars, do not worry, I'll tell you the recipe cures Gasser!

In some cases allows Gasser

1, Gasser certainly make people hate endless, but we want to know under what circumstances is it possible to make a. First Gasser vehicle drove past it really is because of the unfamiliar road, and hit the lights and did not force the meaning of the line, windows and even some riders will hand signals, this time we can look comity appropriate, the other will you grateful.

2, we are in the outermost lane, line the inside of the vehicle and the roads need, if you do not let the riders he is likely to miss export, so slow down and give the appropriate line.

3, face special vehicles to perform tasks, such as: ambulances, fire trucks, police cars and other vehicles must give way, people in life-saving, one step back not to say that you have to fine points.

What happens to a zero-tolerance

1, free to scurry, and the line can not let!

2, do not play lights, and do not force a schematic line can not let!

3, are lining up access roads, the main road then a car can not get to Gasser!

In these cases we have to keep in mind, do not go beyond rivalry.

But from another point of view about why you are always Gasser?

1, why always choose stopper in front of you, there is definitely a reason, first of all you driving position is certainly not a lane in the middle, so no doubt this opportunity to Gasser dead close to you and put you out or cause you to avoid lane.

2, following distance is too far, this is the main reason is stoppered, especially when the traffic jam.

How to face the stopper?

1, we say that there is a distance with the car lane position.

2, this time to fight the psychological quality, Gasser people must have a guilty conscience, because then if an accident is his full responsibility, appropriate space can be stuck on top to come in, although we do not encourage you to go with him non rivalry, but the driver friends have heard the old saying is: let the speed keep track, because if you are then avoidance, lane change is likely to run into the other lane of the car, then the responsibility is your own.

Based on the above mentioned, I do not encourage people to go to and the quality of these people did not go rivalry, but we need a harmonious and healthy traffic environment, responsibility lies with each of our drivers, we need to create together, some things still go from itself start!

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