Why stop comity pedestrian crosswalk was also penalized?

There are many casual everyday driving or sudden violation. See pedestrians crossing the crosswalk Now most courteous drivers will stop, but why some people will receive violation notice, feel overwhelmed today ... I'll come help you analyze what are the reasons?

The driver should slow down in advance through the intersection to see if it was ready or are trying, even if you think low speed will not bring harm to pedestrians crossing, that is not possible, whether you are straight or cornering, only pedestrians completely by the zebra crossing, and the crossing ends are not prepared by the pedestrians, you can start.

If you are stopped at the zebra crossing, or being affected by pedestrians are likely to receive a notice of violation, parking comity is a virtue, sometimes unexpected heart-warming thing will happen.

We are in life, whether online or television news there is often a public information, a driver courteous pupils to cross the road, students thumbs-up when passing by, also could not help but be courteous to you after this time the pedestrian street to see behavior admiration. There are old people cross the street to see slow, we are quietly waiting in the stop line, the old man is bowed deeply to see through, let people around them feel very warm heart after seeing, feel the warmth of the community .

Parking comity is not only a virtue but also law-abiding, and maybe we do not know each other, but this virtue will pass each other down!

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