Why military pilots can not drive?

Friends concerned about the livelihood of the military, may heard that such a statement: We state explicitly specified pilot in the military are not allowed to drive. At first I just heard this statement, they laugh, and many of my friends the same idea, this thing how could it? Do not want to know to be false, I think one of the rumors often circulated online is not that it? Possible over time, to put it another way the network.

After some recent understand, I found it was true. As a military pilot, you're not driving a car, public transport have to sit less, as well as organize personal escort out of it. I believe there will be many friends will see here confused, you say he did not even do a set of aircraft, but also they can not do the usual car? Here I come with everyone Secret, which in the end is why?

The first is to the pilots' safety. You know, the cost of training a pilot that is quite expensive. Pilots coaches of one hour wages are measured in thousands. Exaggerated point, the yuan hit the country starting to be punched pilots. The accident occurred on the ground, the probability of the occurrence of air accidents happen a lot higher than that, countries were reluctant to bear the loss of this sum, so let pilots use less ground transportation.

Second, the principle of operation of aircraft and vehicles is inconsistent. For example, when we drove the car wanted to turn when that party by turning the steering wheel to adjust it. As for the pilot to fly an airplane, the steering wheel is not this stuff, only by a double foot on the pedal, to control the aircraft vertical tail, in order to gain power driven aircraft turning from the air. Think about it, I want to turn a pilot in the car when the brakes subconsciously accelerator pedals, it is much more dangerous ah.

Third, the army's pilots are too busy, they rarely even holidays, it is no idle time to open the drive. As a military pilot, is the driver of the air, have to hurry butt all kinds of military tasks, busy busy here, maybe even obtain a driver's license have time to do, where to go, what time to drive a car it? If any pilot free open car, he certainly were not in the army.

In the understanding of these things, I came to understand the original military pilots is not so easy, my heart can not help but to them had a strong admiration.

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