What should I do if I forget to take money with me? Don't panic! There is truth in the world

Last week, I went to the airport to see my friend off, because now I pay for everything with my mobile phone and seldom carry cash with me, so I only have 10 yuan in my pocket. I don't need to pay any money if I want to pay a fee in the airport. I never thought that when I left the airport and arrived at the toll station again, sir, how do you do? Please pay 10 yuan for the toll. At that time, my heart was Wanma Pentium I thought there was no money on my body after this. I was so embarrassed that I also had a line of cars behind me. So I asked the little sister at the toll station if she could use wechat, and she smiled at me . in a flash. So I mortgaged the driver's book to the toll collector for the time being... When I got out of the toll station, I stopped by the side. I met a car owner who was waiting for him. He looked like he was in his 50s. I thought he was the teacher. He looked very kind. So I was ashamed to tell him the situation. Unexpectedly, the Passat driver gave me 10 yuan as a financial aid. God I didn't expect that big brother could lend me so happily under the circumstances of so many swindlers, and because the master can't use wechat because he is old, I thought I would use wechat to return it to this kind-hearted big brother at once. At this time, the big brother said something warmer. It doesn't matter if anyone goes out, because yesterday I also met this problem, which is the back car to help me hand it in Fu, so I hope this positive energy can be passed on all the time. I feel warm after listening. I really want to hold this big brother.

Through this event, I also summed up some experience to share with you. What should I do if I really forget to bring money?

1. It's the quickest way to communicate with the car owners. I'm sure most of the car owners will help you by explaining the situation with Chen Chen Chen and exchanging money with each other through mobile banking. But now there are more cheaters, you have to transfer the money to others first, so they will trust you more. I'd like to say that everyone will encounter difficulties when going out. Sometimes you can help or try to help as much as possible, because you may encounter this problem one day.

2. Some remote toll booths may have few passing cars, so we need to mortgage some things, such as cell phones, driver's licenses, driving licenses, ID cards

But this method is just to solve the urgent need for a while. If you catch up with your business trip, it's not worth doing it again.

3. There are two solutions to ask the traffic police for help. One is to manage the traffic police to borrow money and return it to others with their mobile phones. Remember to thank them very much. Although it is difficult to find the police, not everything is a business. Another way is to ask the traffic police to make a record to prove that you can drive away first, and then transfer the money back to the toll office or to the traffic police, so it's more reliable to find the traffic police, but the high-speed traffic police are less than those in the city, and the time will be longer.

4. In the article before calling the insurance company, we also said that the insurance company has many free services, such as road rescue, oil delivery and electricity. At this time, you can pick up the phone and ask them to send money to you. Of course, the policies of different insurance companies are different, generally free of charge, but it's better to ask for help first. After all, they will bring it back to you after a trip With the money, we must not forget that the premium of this service has been charged.

High speed goddess toll collector tiktok burst red, netizens: quit, I raise you!