VS narrow tires wide tires, in the end which is better?

If the car is not accompanied by an appropriate set of tires, is not to play its excellent performance, I believe there are many owners believe a significant impact on the width of the tire of the vehicle, then in the end is a good wide or narrow tires good tires? To clarify this issue, let me take you look at what the pros and cons wide tires and narrow tires each yes.

Wide tires

The benefits of wide tires is self-evident, the wider the tire, the contact area with the ground will be greater, thus increasing the friction with the ground, this would no doubt make more tire grip, braking and cornering, they also more stable, traveling will be more stable.

However, this does not tire as widely as possible, because the larger the crown area of ??the tire contact with the ground, the tire noise generated will also increase, while the resistance of the tire will be greater, the fuel consumption will be higher generated. This pursuit of low fuel consumption, low noise, the owner is troubled.

Narrow tires

Opposite the wide tire, the tire due to less narrow area of ??contact with the ground, allowing faster, tire noise is small, fuel consumption will be lower. But the shortcomings are obvious, that is, braking performance will not be so awesome. For chestnut: economy car because of the body, generally narrower than the tires, so although fuel-efficient, but the handling is significantly impaired.

Some owners of their size vehicle tires are not satisfied, I would like to change a little wide tires, on the one hand is to make the car more stable Some, on the other hand also want to increase the overall beauty of the car. However, I suggest that owners do not replace the original tire size, mainly because of the following three reasons.

1, various automobile manufacturers technology, produced by the cars performance is not as if the car had some power is not very good, then put on a wide tires, not only would allow the car to start slower, and more costly oil.

2, if the replacement tires, four tires must be replaced at the same time, to be consistent not only size, but also a consistent pattern, so in order to avoid tire wear is inconsistent, but for security protection of the owners.

3, some owners want to reduce fuel consumption, trying to narrow the tires wide tires replaced, but once into the narrow tire, then it should consider whether the tire can carry the weight of a vehicle problem, big small car tires, overloading the vehicle encounters , the tire is likely due to the "intolerable" and direct ringing off the hook, it will also lead to safety problems.

In conclusion, I suggest that the owners, if you have to replace the tires, the best replacement of the same model, do not blindly replace the tire size, tire, after all, is to ensure traffic safety, in any case, safety first!

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