Understand the car blind spot, or he is always looking for trouble!

A very fire last video, we recently been turned out, the father of the little girl nine years old at the time of reversing, hit and rolled up beside her daughter at play, her daughter was sent to the hospital died.

In online search, such a thing is not left enumerate look too sad, so sad that the owners have to learn quickly, and resolutely put an end to such a thing happen! Because he may be a destroyed home!

Car blind spot is easily one of the causes of traffic accidents, driving time to notice these blind car, only careful driving, in order to guarantee traffic safety. Where is the main vehicle in the blind spot? Today we take a look at it!

1. A pillar, B pillar, C pillar blind

Usually there are three on each side of the car body pillar, in which the oblique sides of the windshield pillar called "A pillar", front and back doors of the column is called "B pillar", on both sides of the windshield pillar obliquely called "C pillars," car these three pillars are designed to meet the automotive crash test and bold these three pillars. But these three fixed blind bold pillars are drivers.

2. The front and rear blind spot

I can not see in front of the local hood, and rear of the vehicle is lower than the area tonneau cover also a major blind spot. Causing the front and rear of the car blind reason and body, seat height, length of the front, the driver's body, and so have a relationship.

3. rearview mirror blind spot

Both sides of the rearview mirror body on both sides can be seen, not all the information collected completely around the body, especially from the roads to the main road, can not be observed from the left rear-view mirror of the vehicle, if the angle of cut on the large acceleration innermost lane, it is easy to collide with the inside lane is the most high-speed vehicles occurred.

4. blind fixed object

Pedestrian, bicycle, car mixed line region, in particular street corner, corner, a cell, an outlet alley, behind the overpass pile like blind fixed object, will appear at any pedestrians, bicycles or other vehicles, prone to accidents.

The blind man

Some owners like some of the decorations, while driving, stop shaking these ornaments hung in the rearview mirror of the car, caused a lot of blind spots. It is recommended that owners are not made trinkets on the rearview mirror.

6. Light blind

The car's headlights are synchronously rotating head attendant, thus the steering wheel than "belated", in the evening would constitute a "lag reaches the" blind spot. If the vehicle speed is too fast, the time when the irradiation lights may hit the vehicle or a pedestrian street object.

We must pay attention to these blind spots when driving, only careful to protect traffic safety!

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