US car parking Why few positive reasons for reincarnation

There are some riders find a state road aside parked cars back to a positive direction, not in a foreign country, they do not have this habit?

actually not!

Not back to the positive direction, it is cross-compliance requirements of many US cities. Because many American cities built on the hillside, the city where the ramp is very common, like San Francisco, a lot of steep slope, slope length of the ramp.

Parked along the ramp of the car, if the car slip occurs, it is very dangerous. Not back to the positive direction, when the vehicle slip car, a vehicle is moving, the front wheel will hit the curb, the vehicle is blocking the curb, the car will not slide further, so as to ensure safety.

This is driving the US textbook inside the map, we refer to the next, left downhill, uphill the middle, on the right is when there is no road sub-teeth, whether on the downhill front tire in the right direction, I hope you and for your car the lives of others property, parking in the right way.

I drove more than two million kilometers, and driven a car in many countries, in addition to China, the concept of parking is not the steering wheel back to the positive, this is the concept of safe driving to avoid accidents, in fact, driving test of time, if parking back of the steering wheel, it will be penalized in.

A simple principle, parking, the front tire must go sliding down direction, so that the tires caught the curb to avoid the decline of others for their own car and security of life and property, or parking it in accordance with the right idea!

Coupled with a word: never trust your car 100?or each system, including the handbrake, never fails, one day, a system failure, or their own negligence, gone and might even harm themselves and their families life. But you can believe that, in your lifetime, gravity is always present, tire turning the curb, is to rely on gravity, let curb block your car, stop the decline of the power of gravity is absolutely reliable, will not neglect , does not fail, stop, or do it in accordance with previous experience accumulated tragic experience, not to repeat the same mistakes!

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