Today, I finally tell you the truth. Why does the exhaust pipe drip?

We all know that the engine is the heart of the car, so it's not necessary to say how important it is. So when many people buy a car, the engine is also a necessary factor. The engine, gearbox and chassis are known as the three parts of the car, which affect the driving experience and performance of the car.

Have you ever found the phenomenon of water dripping from the exhaust pipe? It's OK in summer, but the water dripping from the exhaust pipe will be very obvious in winter. Why is the water dripping from the exhaust pipe? Is it harmful to the car?

In fact, this dripping phenomenon is normal. Gasoline will produce a large number of carbonoxynitrides after combustion, and finally form water and carbon dioxide after three-way catalyst catalysis. Why is it not obvious in summer? Because of the high temperature in summer, the generated water will become steam and carbon dioxide, which will be emitted into the air, so there will be no water dripping phenomenon. However, when the temperature is low, for example, in winter, water dripping phenomenon will be formed, but if there are other phenomena along with water dripping, we need to pay attention to them.

First of all, the color of the water dripping from the exhaust pipe is opaque and black, or the color of the exhaust gas is blue. At this time, it may be the engine fault, such as: the clearance between the piston and the piston ring is too large, or the engine oil is burned, etc. Once it is found that it is necessary to go to a professional maintenance point for inspection in time, after all, the engine is very important once there is a problem, the consequences can not be estimated.

Secondly, if the amount of water dripping is too large, beyond the usual range, attention should also be paid to it. It is likely that the internal corrosion and aging of exhaust pipe will affect the performance of engine. If the amount of water dripping is too large, neither can it be without water dripping. If it is found that no water dripping is likely caused by the blockage of the exhaust pipe. It's not bad to suggest that you observe more often!

The owner of the car is not responsible for the accident if he/she lends the car to others