The secret masterpiece old driver of the car, it is worth collecting

Old driver of the car for a long time, there will be some voice of experience, and the lessons of these experiences are usually only in exchange for blood, and today I will take stock of what these lessons, I hope the owners were able to apply their knowledge.

Not go away Gray White, Black stopped to see

Driving at night, the light illuminating the object reflector, the road surface is usually gray, white water, is generally black or outside the road potholes.

Video, white water, the gray pavement, dark pit.

Tight sand walking, walking water

Sandy afraid trap car, slow down if the car is too sandy, once the trap car, it needs a lot of torque, but can easily lead to deeper and deeper. The most reasonable approach is: to improve the speed, not slow down without stopping through the front. The link will have to worry about wading spray into the exhaust pipe, resulting in engine stall. Thus, wading low speed should be low.

Grab the red, not green rush

In front of the green, the vehicle speed to gradually slow down, to prevent a sudden change when the light intersection. In front of a red light, you only need to maintain normal speed, because when approaching the intersection, the red light is likely to change for the green light.

Turn left, look at the right

When turning left, the right is blind, it is necessary to let the right vehicle and non-motor vehicles and pedestrians, and therefore must first ensure that the right side before turning conditions allow.

After the same, different front

In the rain slippery road, the vehicle skidding, instinctively hit the steering wheel in the opposite direction. True that when the front wheels slip, corrected in the opposite direction, the rear wheels skid, the same should be the correct direction. Suppose slipping wheel to the right, turning the steering wheel to the left, the right side grip lowered, resulting in greater displacement.

More than a few big stunt driving, you learn it? To firmly in mind for a rainy day!

Old drivers to teach you how to live deceleration zone!