Plus straight road, turn right at a red light problem

I believe we Before driving school to learn to drive, start learning all traffic rules and road traffic signs began to understand. I believe we all understand out of these identities, otherwise it is impossible to drive on the road, but there will be such a situation, there will be a lot of intersection turning right through lanes.

A lot of straight lane car, we will have to wait to see straight plus traffic lights straight on the turn lane, but if there is such a situation is light green light, turn right, go straight light is still red, so Turn right behind the waiting car honked will urge, in this case, how would you deal with? To let the line.

Let's look at how traffic rules is to say, can only choose straight or right turn is also driving in the lane, that is, if we want to go straight encounter a red light must stop to wait, otherwise it is illegal. Note that this happens only to learn the next lane choice.

In fact, some owners not intentionally tried to occupy a right turn lane, but encountered some unexpected car always on the road, sometimes approaching the junction with road signs and road markings are not the same, not all aligned likely because road design, vehicles and many reasons too late to change lanes, or just entered the main road roadside lane change can not be achieved, so car owners should understand each other.

If the latter is true because they take up right-turn lane there was congestion, may wish to turn right around the section of the road, I believe that behind the driver friends will give you a thumbs up in my heart.

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