Novice bear in mind: these 10 cases need to give way!

Daily life on the road, basically for each channel. As long as all obey the traffic rules that tend to reduce congestion, then we take a look at what needs to give way.

1, carts make car: large vehicles and small cars will be car, small vehicles should be courteous in advance.

2, turn to make straight: this is not strange, or intersection lights turn car and pedestrian traffic should comity straight in no direction.

3, the transfer of left and right: the relative direction of travel of the vehicle car will turn right vehicle to make a left turn vehicle ahead, it simply is the other cars driving position for you to make the line.

4, into the roundabout let out around the island: the island is ready to enter the vehicle or vehicles to make the roundabout and back to the normal running of the vehicle ahead. With the main road out of the same roads give way road.

5, let uphill downhill: the narrow slope of the road, so that the vehicle uphill first.

6, so that accessibility obstacles ahead: If there is an obstacle in front of or road narrowing, so accessible by one of the vehicle ahead.

7, so that the line backer: the narrow mountain road vehicle should not let one of the leading patron body.

8, side roads to get the main road: when roads should be allowed into the main road in the normal main road vehicles first, if the main road out of side roads, side roads comity vehicle traffic.

9, the car people: zebra crossing traffic when encountered slow down in advance; or are ready to meet pedestrian crosswalk should stop by stop waiting in line.

10, special vehicles give way: police cars, ambulances, fire engines, engineering rescue vehicles in the straight urgent task, not driving route, direction, speed, limit lights, other vehicles meet should give way.

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