Come on how best to save money?

House owners will be subject to background micro-letters every day a lot of questions, most of the problems newsroom in the background the first time to reply. But to be honest, some not so exhaustive reply. Obviously this is not good, it will be part of the "typical problems" it out, detailed interpretation can be considered editorial department to send you a little welfare.

Q: When it is necessary to refuel fill it? Come on how best to save money?

1, when to refuel?

Do not wait until the oil refueling table lights, a fuel pump in the fuel tank need to heat, long-term low oil level may cause overheating fuel pump; oil addition is small, fuel pump suction impurities also easy tank bottom, causing oil Road congestion. Preferably between 10-30?hen oil will go to refuel.

About time, some fuel oil stood late at night when there will be more favorable prices, the discount rate can be up to 0.5 yuan/liter. However, this offer has not every petrol station, we need to find out about in advance. As for gasoline temperature difference between day and night thermal expansion and contraction caused by the problem, because the depot is in the ground, the temperature difference is much smaller than the air temperature difference, so the volume change of this deviation can be ignored.

2, the number of refueling appropriate?

If long-term urban driving, then you can Do not fill the tank, added to 7,8 or less is enough. Because each additional 20 kg vehicle weight, fuel consumption increased by 1?this is usually the fuel consumption may not see it, but a year down can save a lot, and can even save a tank of fuel. But do not fill up the cost of fuel will increase the number, if you need to detour to the gas station, or often need to line up at the gas station, it would be wasted. After all detour and idle queue also takes fuel, might as well fill directly.

In addition the gas station on the highway density is much lower than the urban areas, the distance between the gas station can be up to over 100 km, and is likely to encounter some of the closed petrol stations, in order to avoid the embarrassment of running out of oil, so on the highway or top up as well.

3, how good settlement?

Some people say that money count the words (plus 100 yuan a whole 150 yuan a whole), easily rounded, virtually lost a part of. But only for a fuel card or credit card with a rose as a unit of measurement. If you use cash, there is no way to find a gas station points (0.01 yuan) to you, unless you always use the whole ten liters as a unit, and do not mind holding a pile of loose change, or otherwise in RMB integer count it honestly .

4, refueling tips

I believe many people have encountered this kind of embarrassment, when refueling tanker with oil filler found not on the same side. If hatchback, just keep too far, not a big problem; but if it is the sedan, the rear fuel pipe to bypass relatively trouble some, they might also focus on the new line to the other. To avoid this inconvenience, car owners with the best look at the fuel filler position. If you often can not remember, the best way is to look at the fuel gauge on the dashboard indicates the arrow, is the direction indicated by the fuel filler tube opening.

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