BMW owners who knifed to mention anti killed, the cause was actually driving violations!

According to friends broke, August 27 around 9:35 p.m. the evening, near Suzhou, Kunshan Zhenchuan passage, a private car to drive to the next non-motorized vehicles, with a bicycle occurs and rub, black remove a knife from the car owners , waving to the man riding a bicycle, a bicycle after the owner won the knife, defensive back, the owner of the motor vehicle chase fell to the ground, and eventually death.

Currently police are responsible for the incidents trial here, not discuss whether the bicycle is self-defense, but it certainly is, automobile owners go non-motorized vehicles is illegal behavior.

Motor vehicle to go motorized vehicles, non-motorized vehicles to go non-motorized vehicles, prevails, was able to smooth road traffic, was able to guarantee security. But in everyday driving the process, often see vehicles occupy non-motorized vehicles traveling phenomenon. Many drivers for their own convenience, to set aside the rule prevails, occupying non-motorized vehicles, such behavior is not only disrupted the traffic order, also brought great security risk to non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians.

Above accident because the vehicle fails to traffic signs and markings driving, while waiting for the green light, in order to seize the position, it has a convenient chart to seize non-motorized vehicles, not only disturb traffic order. Also caused the tragedy.

Finally, we can discuss next, whether the owner is a bicycle self-defense?

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