The car was frozen snow weather how to do?

Car glass icing

Warm air deicing is the simplest and most effective, after starting the car into the car, the engine until the water temperature rises, with warm breezes glass until the ice melts, but this method is more time-consuming and costly oil.

Defense small coup: the owner can wipe the glass clean and after parking, then a layer of newspaper in the cover glass, glass so that you can effectively avoid freezes.

Icing rearview mirror

If the vehicle has a rear-view mirror heating function, it is easy to solve this problem naturally, but without this feature, the owner can prepare in advance a bottle of water, pour in the rearview mirror, the ice quickly melted, then after dry cloth to wipe clean, if it is not, then you can use the abandoned bank card, along a direction scrape, scrape the ice, but should not be too hard to avoid scratches.

Defense small coup: plastic bags can be set after the stop out of the mirror, and fixed with a rubber band, or a clip, and then wait to use the car to take the bag.

The door is frozen

The door was frozen this case is less easy to solve, can only look with warm water thrown at freezing, or wipe with warm water, but immediately after the door open to dry the remaining water, avoid will bear more on the door thick ice. For Blizzard region, the probability door was frozen or not low, so the owners still have to stay in mind.

Wiper is frozen

If you find that a glass of water spray does not come out, but it is to fill the state, it shows that glass of water is frozen, then do not spray operation in this case, and it will be very easy to damage the hydroelectric machine. You can try the vehicle parked in the sun, open the front hood sun, make yourself a glass of water to open, or glass tank to add some warm water, but the water until they melt the glass jug glass of water drained as soon as possible, in order to avoid frozen again.

Have you ever had the experience of car was it frozen?

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