Gasser way to avoid vehicle

Many owners will encounter case was stoppered, as more and more car ownership, traffic pressure will naturally increase, traffic jam just like home-cooked meal, as it is prone to problems stopper overtaking in this case.

Sometimes we can really drove suddenly stopper will certainly be very unhappy, kind of want to call someone even want to hit the urge to go, today I'll teach you a trick hit to go further than the vent.

Vehicles typically want a stoppered will slowly slip side walk, find time to quickly insert front, this time our vehicles are close to the side of the line to the other party the opportunity to stay, but it is still recommended that you travel toward the middle lane to lane and found that the intention of the car you want Gasser would look forward by the space occupied by the other side scrap the whole idea.

But if the other party still do not give up, how do you want to force Gasser? This time if it can not stop the choice Tangran face, we can choose to report, are now in the car with tachograph basically, if you can not use mobile phones to capture, upload to APP transport vehicle can directly report Gasser pressure line or forced and lines, so that plus racing punished by the law. You are both doing better than repair vent?

But note that if using a mobile phone to capture, we must first pay attention to their driving safety, as well as camera angles, there is no marked crossing, each other's license plate number, etc., if there is evidence Gasser vehicle might face is 200 yuan 3 points punishment.

In fact, we all know that in daily life, in addition to driving, do things when stoppered behavior is that people are disgusted. So obey the traffic rules is that each of us ordinary people should know the truth. Once all of the things that can be ordered, everyone can benefit from it.

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