Auto insurance can retire, you know?

Many people will be fooled all kinds of people selling insurance when buying a car, there are many 4s shop will be forced to buy! So sleepwalk buy a lot of insurance, many insurance actually did no use, how to do it?

Today I tell you that car insurance can be refunded! We can re-buy auto insurance for their vehicles. How auto insurance refund it? If you want to retire, what conditions must have it? How many owners will wreck it back? I come to you all the questions answered their questions.

1, need to have conditions back insurance

In fact, retirement insurance is very simple, as long as the car insurance has not yet expired when, and did not use auto insurance in the insurance period, the insurance company will unconditionally refund. (Not used refers to a non-dangerous condition through the insurance)

2, the owner would lose retirement insurance number

Is based on the risk to determine the amount and date, that date has passed the insurance fee has been consumed, and there are long expired during this time will be refund. The number of days a simple algorithm is divided by the insured to pay the money multiplied by the time the rest of the insurance is that you can get the surrender values.

3, the impact on the next renewal after surrender

Alone back certain types of insurance, there is no impact on next year's preferential policies, if fully insured retirement next year will no longer enjoy preferential policies, so owners have to be careful surrender ah!

4, ready to back insurance conditions

It is simply bring your ID card, the original insurance policy, the premium invoice and insured bank card to buy insurance business hall handle on it, completed it, the cost will be returned directly to the insured bank card.

I think, buy auto insurance is a technology live, according to differences in the city, the demand for auto insurance are not the same, we do not blindly listen to the salesman to sell, ask to see more and more choose their own buy.

Insurance insider revealed