Note the high beam driving at night

Many car owners like to play high beam, everyone knows, this is equivalent to "murder"! Wrong use the high beam harm to others, free high beam, a traffic safety against himself, the second is the opposite of pedestrians and vehicles will be dangerous!

Statistical data show that traffic accidents occurred in the night, the high beam associated with the abuse accounted for 30?o 40?showing that the harm the abuse of high beam.

So how to prevent interference with the high beams?

Slow down

Encounter unruly drivers, as far as possible to avoid glare, mitigation speed! ! If the car sustained high beam shaking, the driver stopped the vehicle in front brakes methods can be used to prompt the car, you can go beyond that.

Flashing lights, whistle

After the slowdown, high beam or whistle can be flashed to the other hands, the driver unconscious after knowing usually closed, but not long high beam and horn.

Avoid revenge

It must be calm and avoid holding the revenge to slam on the brakes or turn on the high beam irradiation to the other side!

Reminder, carefully open the high beam driving at night! Let's all do a good law-abiding drivers! I hope the owners will comply with traffic regulations, to provide a safe environment for transportation.

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